Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1.) What did you learn about EU countries in this section?
The EU was created by France and Germany to try and stop their constant rivalry 

2.) How do language and religion reflect the cultural division in Western Europe?
Language and religion was the main dividers that separated many nation-states from one another because people liked to be able to understand each other and many fought over religion.

3.) Which Western European leaders tried to unify Europe through conquest?

Napoleon, Charlemagne, and Adolf Hitler.

4.) In what way does Western Europe have a diverse economy?
Each subdivision of western Europe have a different main ounce of economy. France is a major agricultural producer. Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and France income is dairy farming and livestock. Germany, Netherlands, and France are rich in iron ore and coal. Netherlands produces electrics.
5.) What was the Reformation?
A period when many Christians broke away from the Catholic Church and started Protestant churches.

6.) What was the Holocaust?
A program of mass murder of 2/3 of the European jewish population

7.) What was the Berlin Wall?
The divider of East and West Germany

8.) What are some characteristics of Modern Life in Western Europe?
Good public transportation, small houses and forces to socialize outside, and more paid vacation days.

Remember to write three things that you learned that were interesting and one question.
The gradually development of different styles of government in the countries.
The different conquerers of Europe and measures they used to keep their power.
The value the Europeans had for the arts.
What year was the Berlin Walls opened?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Outline for chapter 13 section 2

Western Europe

I.) A History of Cultural Division
France and Germany are dominant countries in western Europe, french culture is strong in France and Monaco, German culture in Germany, Austria, and Liechtenstein. Switzerland, Netherlands, benelux countries of Belgium, and Luxembourg have their own cultures with influences from both France and Germany
         A.) Rome to Charlemagne
                1.) Roman Empire conquered the Celtic tribes in now France by 50BC
                2.) French is one of the romance languages evolved from Latin
                3.) In the 700s Charlemagne, a germanic king, conquered most of the region
                4.) the empire fell apart after his death
         B.) The Reformation
                1.) the reformation is a religion movement (1517) where people started to question the authority of the church
                2.) many christians started separating form the church
                3.) hostility between catholic and protestant fight religious wars that tore Europe apart
                4.) France is mostly catholic, Netherlands Switzerland, and Germany contain both protestants and catholics. In Germany, protestants mainly in the north, catholics mainly in the south

II.) The Rise of Nation-States
In the middle ages, europeans gradually developed the nation-state, an independent nation of people with a common culture
          A.) Nationalism
                1.) after Rome fell feudalism, a political system in which powerful lords owned most of    the land, gradually developed in Europe
                2.) Over time, strong kings gained power over feudal lords and nationalism evolved,
nationalism is the belief the people should be loyal to their nation
                3.) nationalism led to modern nation-states
                4.) France was one of the first nation-states, 1st king held absolute power, in 1789 the    people rebelled during the French revolution. Later Napolean seized power and tried to conquer Europe
                5.) from 1600s - 1945 wars frequently broke out among nation-states of Europe particularly France and Austria, and France and Germany States
                6.) Germany united in 1872
                7.) industrialism in the 1800s caused European nations to set up colonies in other lands in order to gain raw materials
          B.) Modern Conflicts
                1.) competition for colonies among European nations caused WWI
                2.) the harsh terms imposed on Germany after the war and the resentment felt due to those terms led to WWII
                3.) During WWII Germany was led by Hilter and the Nazi Party
                4.) the Nazis carried out the holocaust: a mass murder of 2/3 of the Jews population in Europe and several other minorities
                5.) after the war Germany was split into two, west Germany was noncommunist and east Germany was controlled by the soviet union
                6.) In 1989 the Berlin Wall fell and Germany reunited under a democratic government
                7.) To end the rivalry between them, Germany and France became leaders in establishing the European Union

III.) Economics: Diversity and Luxury
Region's economy remains strong due to agriculture, manufacturing, high-tech and service industries.

           A.) Agriculture to High-Tech
                 1.) dairy farming and livestock provide most agricultural income in Belgium, France, Netherlands, and Switzerland
                 2.) France is the largest producer of agricultural products in Western Europe
                 3.) France, Germany, and the Netherlands are three of Europe's top manufacturing nations
                 4.) Germany and the Netherlands are important producers of electrics
                 5.) Germany also produces scientific equipment
                 6.) France has one of the fastest passage trains in the world, as well a space program and nuclear energy (80% of its energy is produced by nuclear power plants)]
                 7.) Switzerland specializes in banking industry

             B.) Tourism and Luxury
                  1.) due to scenery, climate, and historic cities, tourism in Western Europe is popular and an important part of French, Swiss, and Austrian economy
                  2.) Western Europe also exports luxury goods: German cars, Swiss watches, high fashion clothes from France, and flower bulbs from the Netherlands

IV.) Great Music and Art
            A.) Music
                   1.) German and Austria are famous for music
                   2.) some German musicians/composers include Back and Beethoven
                   3.) Austrian composers include Mozart

           B.) Painting
                   1.) France and the Netherlands have had many important painters
                   2.) Jan Van Eyck perfected the use of oil painting
                   3.) Jan Vermeer and Rembrandt were dutch who painted with great realism
                   4.) French painters include impressionist Claude Monet and postimpressionists Paul Cezanne and Paul Gauguin

V.) Modern Life

           A.) City Life
                  1.) good public transportation systems, lower crime rates then the USA
                  2.) as a rule, Europeans live in smaller than Americans, so they socialize a lot in public places
                  3.) Europeans get more paid vacation time (about 30 days a year in Germany) than Americans

           B.) Recent Conflicts
                  1.) immigration has been a source of conflict
                  2.) in the 1980s "guest workers" form Yugoslavia and Turkey came to west Germany looking for jobs
                  3.) then the economy declined, many angry citizens were discriminate and violent to the immigrants
                  4.) Austria has also faced tension
                  5.) political leader Joerg Haider made controversial remarks that defended former Nazis and that immigrants found insulting
                 6.) many feared the rebirth of racism, so in 2000 Haider had to reign as party head, though he remained a force in the Austrian public life

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Netherlands are in the Northern Plain of Europe, on the North Sea coast bordered by Germany and Belgium. About 40+% of the Netherlands were reclaimed land.

Interesting Facts
    *Also referred to as Holland
    *Main language is Dutch
    *Currency is euro
    *Twice the size of New Jersey
    * Population is 16.8 million people

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Europe: landforms and resources

1.) Why can Europe be called "a peninsula or peninsulas"?'

* because Europe is one large peninsula made of many smaller peninsulas

2.) What European islands are located in North Atlantic?  In the Mediterranean Sea?

*Ireland, Great Britain, Iceland, and Greenland are in the North Atlantic. Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, and Crete are in the Mediterranean.

3.) How do mountains and uplands affect life in Europe?
*they act as walls separating groups of people, make trade difficult, and affect climate

4.) The Alps arc across what countries or places?
*France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and the northern Balkan Peninsula 

5.) The Pyrenees are located where?
*on the border of France and Spain and Portugal

6.) Where does the Danube flow?
*west to east in the interior of the continent

7.) How are rivers used in Europe?
*mainly for trade and travel

8.) What is the most important plain in Europe?
*the Northern European Plain

9.) Why is it important?
*places in these regions are major producers of agricultural goods

10.) How are the landforms of Europe both an advantage and disadvantage?
*the advantage of the landscape is that protect from harsh weather, disadvantage is the difficulty of travel and trade between the countries

11.) How did natural resources help Europe to become industrialized?
*many countries are abundant in coal and iron ore, which help create steel, and make industrializing the nations easier