Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Latin America Questions

1.) What did you learn from the video?  Do you think its fair that a corporation can own a country's water?
It showed that companies are taking advantage of countries in poverty so they can profit. A company should not be able to own water, it is a universal resource.

2.) Do you think the people of Bolivia had a right to react the way they did?

Yes; we shoot a bear when it comes into town, we would probably react in similar ways as the Bolivians.

3.) How has geography affected settlement in Latin America?
Because of the large mountain range on the west and good farming soil in the plain, many people choose to live in the north-east region of the continent.

4.) Where are the Andres Mountains located?

In North, South, and Central America on the west coast.

5.) What are the three major river systems in South America?

The Amazon, the Parana, and the Orinoco Rivers.

6.) What river carries more water to the ocean than any other river in the world?

The Amazon

7.) What are the three mjor island groups in the Caribbean Islands?

The Bahamas, the Great Antilles, and the Lesser Antilles

8.) What are Llanos?
the Llanos are a area of grassy, treeless plains for feeding livestock and farming.

9.) What are three types of resources found in Latin America?
Mining, logging, and hydropower energy.

10.) What S. American country generates the most hydroelectric power and why?

Brazil because it contains the largest river in the continent.

11.) What types of landforms are found in Latin America?

Plains and mountains.

12.) What is your favorite South American country?


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