Monday, February 2, 2015

Northern Europe Questions

1.) Where did the industrial Revolution begin and to where did it spread?
The industrial revolution began in Great Britain and spread to France, Germany, Belgium, and the US

2.) What are some characteristics of governments in Northern Europe?
Many countries had a conquerer or monarchy in the early years of the continent, then they switched to parliamentary.

3.) How did conquest influence the languages spoken in Northern Europe?

As different groups conquered others, they tried to change the language so everyone speak the same, but many failed and only change certain dialect.

4.) How did the industrial Revolution spur the growth of the British Empire?

The industrial revolution made it so Britain could expand their empire to other colonies.

5.) How did the Reformation affect Northern Europe?
Its started separating groups of people and was the cause of several conflicts.

6.) Who are some important writers from Northern Europe?
(playwright) Henrik Ibsen and William Shakespeare, (poets) William Wordsworth, (novelists) James Joyce and Charlotte Bronte

7.) What Northern European country did not join the EU?  Why?
Norway because they believed they had a good economy and that joining the EU would decline their country's wealth.

8.) What was the Magna Carta?  Why is it important? 
A document that inspired such political ideas as trial by jury and no taxation without representation.

9.) What are the countries of Northern Europe?
Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark

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