Friday, May 15, 2015

Final Review

1.) 5 Themes of Geography
Movement, Location, Place, Region, and Human-Environment Interaction
2.) 3 Types of Maps
Physical, political, and thematic maps
3.) Why are the Kunlun Mountains important to China?
Its where the two major rivers are.
4.) What is the approximate size of the Gobi Desert?
over 500,000 square miles
5.) What are some of the important islands to the country?
Hainan and Hong Kong
6.) Why are China's three river systems so important to the country?
The rivers irrigate fields and are important to the country's development.
7.) In which latitude and climate zones is most of China's productive agricultural land located?
Humid continental and humid subtropical
8.) What landforms make up the dry zones?
steppes and deserts
9.) What two factors affect vegetation and temperature in the highland climate?
latitude and elevation
10.) What are some benefits of the Three Gorges Dam?
The dam helps control the flooding of the rivers, generate power, and allow ships to sail farther into China.
11.) What are some drawbacks of the dam?
It made many people have to relocate their towns, it cost way more than expected, and it is reducing wild life habitat.
12.) What are some of the ways in which the Japanese have adapted to living in a crowded space?
Rooms are sparsely furniture and people sleep on thin mattresses called futons.
13.) Why did Shi Huangdi build a wall in northern China?
To protect the country from possible Mongol invaders
14.) How was China governed in its early history?
15.) What are some achievements China made in its early history?
health care
16.) When did Europeans begin exploration of China?
In the 13th century, When Marco Polo come to the country
17.) How was Europe able to gain access to Chinese markets in the 19th century?
Europe took advantage of the Chinese and force them to sigh a treaty that grated them special privileges
18) Which political group has held considerable power in China for the last 50 years?
19.) What did the Communists party want for China's economy?
They wanted to modernize China by encouraging the growth of the industry.
20.) At what point did China's economy begin to grow more rapidly?
21.) Where does most agriculture occur in China?
Southern China
22.) Where does China get the resources that fuel the industrial economy?
The United States
23.) What item is especially popular as an export to the United States?
24.) Name two important Chinese inventions.
gunpowder and porcelain
25.) What are the predominant religions in China?
Buddism, Confucius, and Taoism
26.) What is China's population?
1.35 billion people
27.) What animal was especially important to the Mongols?
28.) What did Genghis Khan's name mean?
Supreme conqueror
29.) Who controlled Mongolia in the 18th and 19th century?
The Chinese ruled Mongolia
30.) Which country has had the most influence and control in Taiwan?
31.) How is Mongolia's current economy different from its historical practices?
Traditional economy was herding and livestock, that is still an important part of their culture but the country is developing other industries.
32.) What is an economic tiger?
Is a nation that has rapid economic growth due to cheap labor, high technology, and aggressive exports.
33.) Why might foreign companies want to work with Taiwanese companies?
Because of its statue as an economic tiger and its strong industries
34.) What industry is most successful in Taiwan?
manufacturing industry
35.) What traditional influences can be seen in daily life in Mongolia?
Herding and some still cling to the nomadic way of life
36.) Do most Americans live in rural areas like people in Mongolia or urban areas like the people in Taiwan?
Taiwan's urban areas
37.) When did Little League become popular in Taiwan?
After World War 2
38.) What bodies of water surround Korea?
the Sea of Japan, the Yellow Sea, and the Korean Strait
39.) What natural features influenced the settlement of Korea?
Korea uses its location on a peninsula for self-protection
40.) What action have both Korean countries taken since World War II?
Both have built large armies, but also want to work toward reuniting the countries. 
41.) What significant event occurred in 200?
Both Korean leaders held a meeting, declaring their intention to reunite
42.) What type of economy did both North and South Korea have prior to the Korean War?
Ruled by Japanese dynasties
43.) How are North and South Korea's economies different today?
North Korea provides materials and natural resources while South Korea creates manufactured produces form them
44.) Which Korean country has a larger population?
South Korea
45.) Which country did Dennis Rodman visit?
North Korea
46.) From where did the original inhabitants of Japan mostly come?
From the islands from the mainland of Asia
47.) For whom did the Yamato clan claim descent?
The sun goddess
48.) For whom did the samurai work?
Landowners and clan chiefs
49.) Where do most Japanese people live within Japan?
On the east coast of Japan
50.) Which island of Japan is considered the main island?
51.) How is Japan able to manufacture many items for trade without natural resources?
They imports the resources needed
52.) How has Japan's economy recently changed?
After 4 decades of growth, the economy begin to decline
53.) Which city is an excellent example of traditional Japanese culture?
54.) What do the Japanese believe is important in designing buildings?
the harmony of the building and nature surroundings
55.) How does the Japanese school system compare with American education?
They go to school 6 days a week, and have shorter summer vacations
56.) What are private college preparatory schools called in Japan?
57.) What two problems are the Japanese attempting to address in the future?
Population and pollution
58.) What are some examples of traditional Japanese culture?
Dramas called Noh plays where actors wear masks, and art like long picture scrolls, ink paintings, and wood block prints
59.)How did the Western world influence Japan beginning in the 19th century?
Influenced music, introduced sports like baseball, golf, soccer, and tennis

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